Qualification program
The Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG) provides PhD candidates with a project-related qualification program dedicated to the integration of knowledge and methodologies from multiple disciplines. It offers training opportunities to enable cross-disciplinary approaches and promote rapid progress of the individual research projects. The IRTG fosters interaction and collaboration of CRC 1371 teams at local or distant sites. Our diverse agenda of excellent academic and hands-on training will promote self-reliance in experimental and clinical research, originality in thinking, and innovation in research.

Basic courses
Basic courses are mandatory for all PhD candidates of the IRTG and optional for associated students.
The Basic Courses already took place. Recordings are available for PhDs.
Advanced method courses
Three advanced methods courses of choice are mandatory for IRTG PhD candidates. Students may visit more courses upon personal interest and need. Associated students are welcome to attend all courses.
Advanced courses for the second funding phase will probably start in winter 2023.
More information will follow.
17 March to 18 March 2025 in Freising
for registration please write seminar.gc@ls.tum.de AND konstantin.pelz@tum.de
We will discuss basics for using the R programming language to perform machine learning. Basic skills in R are required, but we will look at machine learning basics together. The goal is to go through the whole process of using machine learning from selecting the right data and method to evaluate the results and improve the model.
- Participants understand the basic concepts of what machine learning is
- Participants are able to choose a fitting machine learning method for their problem and implement a basic version in R
- Participants know how to improve a method (parameter tuning, boosting)
- Participants know how to choose and split the input data in a meaningful way
Participants know how to choose and split the input data in a meaningful way
Microbial Signature Database (MSD) workshop
When? Monday, April 28, from 10 – 12 am in Freising, Gregor-Mendel-Str. 2, room 2.34.
For registration, please send an email to sfb1371.ziel(at)tum.de
Within the MSD training course, we introduce the MSD platform and go through the MSD tutorial. By the end of the course, you will know MSD and its functionalities. You learn how to upload their datasets to MSD and analyze your 16S datasets.
The course covers:
- registration at MSD
- creating project
- defining their study organism at MSD
- defining their study samples at MSD
- uploading their 16S datasets to MSD
- running a 16S analysis on MSD
- explanation of MSD analysis results
- hands-on practice (with one's own dataset if desired)
The next 16S rRNA seminar will take place 21 to 23 May 2025.
Please register here.
Self-guided short courses
The aim is to broaden the horizon of PhD students beyond their own working groups and the scope of their projects. This module consists in self-organized visits of the PhD student to other labs and institutes participating in the CRC.
- Mandatory: 3 visits within 4 years
- Duration: 1 day each visit | total of 3 days
- Organized by PhD students
Please submit courses to the coordinator using the report sheet.
Essential educational courses and schemes in scientific, social and cultural competences
Courses such as good scientific practice, project management, scientific writing, career development in science, media and communication, gender equality training are an essential part of the programm.
IRTG students must visit at least three courses of own choice within the four years:
- Duration: at least 1 day each
- Organized by local graduate schools or other institutions
Please hand in certificates to the IRTG coordinator!
Forms and Templates
Checklist for IRTG PhD students
Template project plan (submit at the beginning of the project)
Template personal training schedule (submit within the first 6 months)
Course offers 2019-2022
Basic courses
Basic courses are mandatory for all PhD students of the IRTG.
Basics – Animal models
Date: November 29th 2019 (Friday)
Download Agenda
Basics – Microbiota and metabolome
Date: March 4th 2020
Download Agenda
Room O.09
Weihenstephaner Berg 1
85354 Freising
Basics – Bioinformatics
Date: January 17th 2020 (Friday)
Download Agenda
Gregor Mendel Str 4
85354 Freising
Advanced method courses
A1 Mouse training in experimentation with germ-free/gnotobiotic mice in isolators and isocages (Stecher)
This course was integrated in virtual couse in Nov 2020, if possible, an additional on-site course can be offered in fall.
Venue: Stecher Lab, Pettenkoferstrasse 9a , 80336 München
Registration: sfb1371.ziel(at)tum.de
A2 Mouse -handling of isolators, methods of redirivation (Basic)
Date: March 22th - 24th, 2022
Venue: Hannover Medical School
A4 Mouse - Metabolic phenotyping of energy balance on mouse models (Klingenspor)
Date: October 25th - 26th, 2021
B1 Computational Systems Medicine (Baumbach, List)
Venue: Date: February 20th - 21st 2020Freising
B2 Methods and tools for the analysis of Microbiome NGS data (Lagkouvardos)
offered yearly
Pre course B3: Introduction to R language & applications (List)
Date: February 12th 2020
Venue: Freising
B3 Metagenomic bioinformatics (Zeller)
Date: February 18th - 19th 2020
Venue: EMBL Heidelberg (Computer training lab)
M1 Training and cultivation of anaerobic bacteria (Clavel, Stecher)
Stecher Lab:
Date: November 26th, 2020
Time: 9am - 1:30pm
Venue: virtual
Clavel lab:
Date: October 22nd, 2020
Time: 9am - 4pm
Venue: virtual
M2 Analysis of bile acids and short chain fatty acids (Kleigrewe)
Date: October 15th, 2020 9am – 4pm
Venue: Freising
M3 Modern Natural Product Discovery (Gulder)
Date: October 4th - 6th, 2021
Venue: Gulder lab Dresden
T1 Patiet acquisition, clinical sampling and biobanking (Janssen)
T2 Generation of organoids and organoid cultures (Tschurtschenthaler, Saur)
in combination
Date: June 9th - June 11th, 2021
Venue: virtual
T3 Advanced profiling of immune cells (Zehn)
Date: November 9th - 11th, 2021
Venue: virtual and one practical day
B2 Methods and tools for the analysis of Microbiome NGS data (Lagkouvardos)
Date: October 24-26, 2022
Time: 9am - 4.30pm
Venue: Freising, Weihenstephaner Berg 1 , Room O.09
Registration: follow link